USD 3,117,149.00

As per Yesterday Sat,18-May-2024
A : 5262 @ USD 0.00/0

Before [Perdana] drawing end, we have total 13 position (from A to M) for Special Prizes, Position [A] as the Mega Jackpot.
If the A being drawn to 1st prize, mean you have strike Mega Jackpot 100%

If the A being drawn to 2nd prize, mean you have strike Big Jackpot 50%

If the A being drawn to 2nd prize, mean you have strike Small Jackpot 30%

Mega Jackpot history

Draw Date Number Jackpot Pool Unit Payout (USD)
2024-04-14 A 3808 2,797,303.00 x 30% = 839,190.90 55 15,258.00
2024-03-26 A 9572 3,160,428.00 x 30% = 948,128.40 126 7,525.00
2024-02-15 A 1864 2,470,029.00 x 30% = 741,008.70 85 8,718.00
2023-12-30 A 9573 2,000,706.00 x 50% = 1,000,353.00 19 52,650.00
2023-11-28 A 2749 1,992,451.00 x 30% = 597,735.30 68 8,790.00